Our Governance
Board of Directors

Giuseppe Bellantoni
Giuseppe Bellantoni was born in Vibo Valentia on September 6th, 1971. Before graduating in Chemical Engineering from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, he started his career at Comerint SpA, a subsidiary company of Snamprogetti SpA, ENI Group. He has held different positions in the Oil & Gas industry, both in Italy and abroad: from Simulation & Process Engineer to Commissioning Manager and Control System Manager, from Project Manager to Area and Account Manager. Founding partner of ISS International SpA, he currently holds the position of Partner, President, and CEO of the company.

Domenico Bellantoni
Domenico Bellantoni was born in Vibo Valentia on July 30th, 1968. Graduated in Law from the University of Messina, he obtained his MA at the “Notary Public Training School A. Anselmi” of Rome, and in 2001, he obtained the qualification of attorney. Currently, he works as an independent professional and also together with his partners in his offices of Rome, Rieti, Vibo Valentia, and Pescara. He offers legal assistance and consulting to a number of natural and legal persons in different areas: Company law, company and trade contracts, warning procedures, security procedures, bankruptcy, administrative procedures, employment relationships, extra-contractual liability, contract, and pre-contract liability – also of professional nature, supply contracts, as well as corporate agreements.

Giampiero Schiavoni
Giampiero Schiavoni was born in Ancona on 24/11/1968. He studied at the classical Rinaldini High School in Ancona where he graduated. In 1992 he joined the company “Schiavoni”, a company that deals with the sale of industrial electrical equipment in the Marche Region, of which he became CEO in 2001, and is still in charge. In 1993, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors and Managing Director of “Imesa Spa”, a leading company in the design and construction of low and medium-voltage electrical switchboards, which is still serving today. In 2004 he was appointed first Director, and then Managing Director of AC Ancona Spa, the football club of Ancona. Under his management, in four years, Ancona scales the tops of Italian football, moving from C2 to B series. In 2008 he was appointed Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic for the Marche Region. In 2014 he was appointed representative of the suppliers of electrical and electronic equipment from Assonave, National Association of Navalmeccanica Industry, which is also currently in charge. Schiavoni is married and has a son.

Donato Marcoccio
Donato Marcoccio was born in Arce, Frosinone, on October 15th, 1970. After graduating in Chemical Engineering from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, he started his career as process engineer in 1999. Later, he worked with Technip Italy, both in office and in the construction sites in the company’s “Life Science” department. In 2003, he entered in the Marketing and Sales department of Air Liquide, an international company, world leader in gases, technologies and services for industry and healthcare. Since 2008 he has been holding the position of Technical Department Manager at ISS International SpA, where he is also member of the Board of Directors.

Agostino Romano
Having graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Politecnico of Milan in 1965, he worked for Eni as a process engineer and then with Foster Wheeler as a project engineer. In the two years between 1972 and 1974, he attended the Master in Business Administration at the University of Colorado – Boulder Campus. Back in Italy, he worked in Montedison as a Feasibility Studies Manager for inter-division and foreign investments departments up to 1980. Later, he worked as Sales Manager of an international plant design company, and in 1984 started working with Ansaldo, ELPO division, in the same capacity. Later on, he covered different positions in companies controlled by Ansaldo Group, specializing in industrial automation: CEO of BMB Elettronica Industriale, CEO of ISE, and President of Carmetal. From 2000 to 2005, he worked as General Manager of Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali, and from 2005 to 2011 as CEO of Elettra Energia.

I.M.E.S.A. S.p.A. is a joint stock company that has been operating since 1972 in the field of electromechanical construction. With a turnover of 55 million Euros and about 200 employees, IMESA is among the European leaders regarding the production of Medium and Low Voltage electric panels, SF6 insulated switches for Medium Voltage applications Indoor and outdoor, supervision and control systems, containerized substations, electrical Turnkey plants.
Board of Statutory Auditors

Maurizio Paternò
Maurizio Paternò di Montecupo was born in Naples in 1949. Graduated in Economics and Commerce from the University of Naples, he registered first in the Roll of Accountants of Naples and, later, in Roll of Rome. Subsequently, he registered in the Roll of Technical Consultants as “Expert Accountant” and in the Roll of Certified Auditor of the Court of Rome, and as Certified Auditor in the Rolls of Certified Auditor of the Ministry of Justice. After teaching in different Italian and foreign universities, he has been appointed “Fashion Market and International Marketing” Professor at the faculty of Economics of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Currently, he is Secretary General of the “Oronzio De Nora” Foundation, and he holds the position of president of the Statutory Board and member of the Statutory Board in many companies.

Riccardo Tiscini
Riccardo Tiscini was born in Rome on July 1st, 1970. Graduated in Economics and Commerce from the University LUISS- Guido Carli of Rome, he obtained his qualification as Chartered Accountant and Certified Auditor. He is full professor of Business Economics at the “Universitas Mercatorum” of Rome, the e-learning university of the Italian Chamber of Commerce Association; he also holds the position of contract professor of “Introduction to Business Economics” at the LUISS-Guido Carli and of the advanced course in Business Economics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. He is also professor at the International MBA and EMBA programmes of the LUISS Business School, and Pro-rector of the Universitas Mercatorum. As a professional, his expertise ranges from company budget to business assessment, performance measurement, and corporate governance. He is Vicepresident of Vitrociset Spa, member of the board of directors and the board of auditors in different companies, and of the Monitoring Committee pursuing the Italian Legislative decree 231/2001 (Corporate Responsibility).

Massimiliano Cesaroni
Massimiliano Cesaroni was born in Rome on March 25th, 1968. Graduated in Economics and Commerce from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, he obtained the qualification of chartered accountant in 1996 and, later, registered as certified auditor. His expertise ranges from administration to accounting, taxation, and company law for natural persons, legal persons, corporations and public administration, covering the areas of company restructuring, investigations, company assessment and extraordinary operations. He is statutory auditor and/or certified auditor of different public and limited liability companies.
Supervisory Board

Giancarlo Quartieri
Giancarlo Quartieri was born in Campobasso in 1964. Graduated in Civil Engineering and Transport from Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, and he has collaborated with some magazines specialized in procedures and management of complex systems. He is the author of “La Sicurezza del Volo, l’approccio per sistemi”, published by Casa Editrice IBN and “Linee guida per lo sviluppo e l’applicazione di un sistema di qualità nelle province e nei comuni” published by Casa Editrice CEL. In the past, he has worked as a consultant on simple/complex system management in the aviation industry, while currently working in the services industry, with reference to technical legislation and company compliance. He holds a CEPAS certification as a Project Leader Consultant, Senior Consultant of Management Systems, and Audit Team Supervisor. He is president and member of the Supervisory Board.

Maurizio Paternò
Maurizio Paternò di Montecupo was born in Naples in 1949. Graduated in Economics and Commerce from the University of Naples, he registered first in the Roll of Accountants of Naples and, later, in the Roll of Rome. Subsequently, he registered in the Roll of Technical Consultants as an “Expert Accountant” and in the Roll of Certified Auditor of the Court of Rome, and as Certified Auditor in the Rolls of Certified Auditor of the Ministry of Justice. After teaching at different Italian and foreign universities, he has been appointed “Fashion Market and International Marketing” Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Currently, he is Secretary General of the “Oronzio De Nora” Foundation and holds the position of president of the Statutory Board and member of the Statutory Board in many companies.
We believe that human beings and human systems are interdependent economically, politically…